Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Why Health Matters

I believe health is something that should not be overlooked. Whether that be health of the body or mind, we have nothing if we do not have our health. So many people, including myself, take our naturally healthy bodies for granted. We think that we will be healthy forever, which is not the case. 

If we continue to eat the way we did as teenagers, consume copious amounts of alcohol in college, and refrain from having a regular exercise routine, we will not be doing our bodies any favors. 

I am in no way a certified nutritionist or doctor, but here are some points of advice that I have heard from professionals themselves on how to avoid and prevent chronic conditions. Of course, some illnesses are hereditary and already written in our genetics, but it is beneficial to take as many steps possible to try and prevent a condition that doesn't need to occur. 

My biggest tip to avoid any diseases would have to be to eat as many GREENS on a daily basis as possible. Eating leafy greens and vegetables has cancer-protective effects. Although greens are probably the most important thing to include in your diet, other plant foods have major benefits as well. Nuts, legumes, seeds, fruits, and whole grains will provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to fight off any diseases or illnesses that may be on the horizon. 

Processed foods and high amounts of sugar are the biggest enemy to the human body, in my opinion. These foods turn into fat directly, and have such negative effects for our brains, blood, and endocrine system. Your favorite chips, desserts, and fast foods should be eaten in such careful moderation, as regular consumption of processed foods can have detrimental impacts on our health and overall wellbeing. 

New studies have been released that a diet high in processed sugars are linked to higher rates of cancer. The supplemental chemicals in these processed foods, which increase shelf life of the food items, are very unhealthy and should not be ingested. These chemicals, along with the sugar, sodium, and trans fats that are present, are a recipe for disaster. 

Red meat: you either love it or hate it. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I do consume red meat only once or twice a week. Regular consumption of red meat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 

Meat is a great source of protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals, so try to keep your consumption of meat to no greater than eighteen ounces per week. Salami, hot dogs, pepperoni, and bacon can, in fact, increase the risk of stomach cancer. 

I'm not asking you to completely eliminate red meat from your diet, but please limit your intake if you haven't already, because the risks are too grand to ignore. 

Ahh, alcohol. I am not a drinker myself, but I know people who rely on alcohol at mostly every meal. This is so detrimental not only to your mental health, but physical health as well. Studies have shown that small amounts of red wine can have benefits to the cardiovascular system, but the key here is *SMALL AMOUNTS.* This does not mean binge drinking, drinking every single night, or blacking out on the weekends. 

The medically recommended amount of alcohol per day is one glass for women and two glasses for men. Too much alcohol consumption can lead to heart failure, dementia, and can increase the risk of many types of cancers such as breast, liver, mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers. 

In my opinion, the temporary pleasures that alcohol can bring are absolutely not worth the long term hardships that are almost guaranteed to come along with high consumption. 

Last but not least, another great tip that can help prevent the onset of horrible diseases: stay active. As I have mentioned in previous posts, find a work out or exercise routine that you genuinely enjoy and will be able to look forward to. For me, this is Pilates or a rowing class. Exercise will not only benefit your body physically, but mentally as well. It has the ability to relieve your mind of stress and anxiety, which I feel almost instantly as I step off of a treadmill.

Regular movement will help maintain a normal weight, build healthier muscles and bones, and release toxins out of your system through sweating. It will help to prevent obesity, one of the most common killers in the United States today. 

Here is a video from one of my favorite health, beauty and wellness bloggers on YouTube, Annie Jaffrey. I have featured her work on my blog before, as I believe it can help many people find the motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. In this video, Jaffrey speaks about many of the benefits of health that many people often need to be reminded of. 

I know too many elders who wish that they had lived healthier while they were younger, and think that maybe they would not be in such bad shape now if they had taken better care of their bodies before. This post is the sign you need to begin the journey to a healthier you today. 

It is important not only to follow healthy habits yourself, but educate your loved ones and friends about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. This way, you and the people you care most about will hopefully not suffer from any chronic medical conditions down the line. Refer to my older posts for tips, advice, and recipes on how to easily live a healthy lifestyle! 

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