Sunday, June 30, 2019

Find Your Inspiration

One of the best ways to live a healthy lifestyle is to be inspired by the environment and people around us. For this reason, I have found several health and lifestyle bloggers who specialize in creating informational videos for people like us. The best part about these videos is that the creators are people like us, too! This makes their advice and lifestyle choices very attainable and easy to follow.

Although I follow several of these bloggers, I have decided to focus on one, and my favorite. Her name is Annie Jaffrey, and I have been a follower of hers since my pre-teen years. Jaffrey began her internet career through her blog, which she then transformed into a YouTube channel where she shared similar content. Jaffrey specializes in beauty, fashion, and health/wellness videos. 

For example, in her "What I Ate Today" video,  Jaffrey discusses some of her favorite recipes and meals that she prepares on a daily basis. As you can see by watching the video, Jaffrey consumes raw, organic, and plant-based foods. 

Aside from Jaffrey's video being very aesthetically pleasing, it is also quite informative. Jaffrey provides recipes for every meal she mentions in this video, as well as a "how-to" style cooking tutorial. 

Aside from her nutritional videos, Jaffrey also posts workout videos.

I personally enjoy watching these to learn the exercises that she does. I normally always end up incorporating some of her exercises into my daily workouts, which is a great way to spice up my routine! In the workout video linked above, Jaffrey shares many different workouts that a plethora of viewers are benefitting from, which is made apparent in her comment section. 

Overall, Annie Jaffrey's channel is one that inspires me to better my lifestyle as she improves hers! I recommend finding a blogger who resonates with your style and the lifestyle you want to be living, as they can help you reach different goals and aim for steps that will help you attain what you wish for. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Must Love Matcha

One of my favorite things about living a healthy lifestyle is discovering new foods or recipes that can make my diet more exciting. Consuming the same foods every day can become boring and cause some to lose the motivation to eat healthy, so it is a bonus to keep up with foods or recipes that are trending or have become popularized through social media. 

One item that has become extremely popular recently is matcha. Matcha is a finely milled powder of specially harvested and processed green tea leaves. It is primarily of Japanese origin, but it has become widely known throughout the Western world as one of the trendiest healthy beverages. 

Matcha has many health benefits and can be incorporated into one's diet in many different ways. The green powder is high in antioxidants, which means it could reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as cell damage. Matcha has also shown signs of slowing cancer cell growth, as well as decreasing tumor size. So far so good!

Are you an avid coffee drinker but looking to switch to a healthier beverage? Matcha is your new best friend! It contains adequate levels of caffeine, which has been proven to boost reaction time, memory, and attention. Matcha also contains L-theanine, which calms and relaxes the brain. With that being said, matcha can be consumed in the morning to jumpstart your day, and right before bed to calm your mind and help you get to bed! 

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, matcha is at it again! Incorporation of this powder into one's diet may actually help with weight loss. Green tea has been proven to increase metabolism and enhance fat burning, which can help reduce body weight and maintain the overall weight loss. 

There are many health benefits to matcha. Although the benefits of this drink are a major incentive to incorporate it into your diet, a major bonus is that it tastes great, too! The rich and aromatic flavor of the tea will leave you wanting more. It can be consumed in many ways, such as drinking it as a traditional tea or enjoying it in latte form. You can even add it to your favorite foods! Blend it into a smoothie, mix it into your oatmeal, or sprinkle it on your popcorn for those added health benefits. 

If you have not already, you must give matcha a try! You will not regret it, and your body will thank you for it. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Summer Smoothie Recipe

My favorite foods to snack on during the summer would have to be any type of fruit or vegetable. In my opinion, fresh produce tastes way better in the summer than it does in the winter, so I try to enjoy it this time of year as much as possible. With that being said, an easy and tasty way I like to incorporate several different types of fruits and vegetables into my daily diet is through drinking smoothies! 

With the help of online recipes, I've found some wonderful fruit combinations that make a great smoothie. My favorite website to find recipes is called "Modern Honey," which lists some great smoothie options here:

The smoothie I reach for the most can be found in that link above! To make it easier for you, I will include it here in this post. 

This smoothie, called the Sweet Cherry Almond Smoothie, has the perfect sweetness, and also includes a nutty flavor because of the almond milk that is included. 

Sweet Cherry Almond Smoothie:
  1. 1 1/2 cups Cherries frozen.
  2. 1 cup Almond Milk.
  3. 1 scoop Protein Powder.
  4. 1 Banana.
  5. Ice.
  6. Blend all items together until you have a consistency that works for you. 
  7. Optional: top with unsweetened coconut flakes + almond butter.

I really hope you will try this recipe out, along with any of the other drinks that are included in the post linked above! Enjoy!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Staying Fit In Summer

The summertime can be tricky when it comes to health and fitness. With more free time than during a typical day during the school year comes the opportunity to either improve your fitness or ruin it. 

Hot temperatures call for major thirst. Although extreme levels of thirst can lead some to reach for sugar-loaded drinks which will quickly quench their thirst, be sure to reach for water when it is possible. As our bodies are made up of 60% water, it is needed to replenish our cells when our bodies become dehydrated due to the heat. Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages will only further dehydrate our bodies. Although they taste great, keep it to a minimum over the summer. Water is the way to go. 

My favorite part of the summer is usually attending BBQ's! Although I'm a huge fan of cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and other typical BBQ foods, I try to stay away from eating these at every single party. As I go to BBQ's more frequently over the summer, I try to lean toward eating grilled chicken or fish, and loading up on as many vegetables as possible. This way, I can still enjoy the BBQ atmosphere without consuming too many carb and sodium filled foods.

Personally, breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day. It is very tempting for me to skip breakfast over the summer, as my mornings are not as active as they are during the school year. This is a very bad habit to start, especially in summer. Skipping breakfast will lower your metabolism and cause more consumption later on in the day, which will likely cause weight gain. Skipping breakfast in the summertime can also make individuals more prone to fainting, due to high temperatures and low blood pressure as a result of not eating. Something simple such as egg whites and fruit will be enough to solve this issue! 

Working out during the summer can really seem like a chore to some. Going into a claustrophobic gym when the weather outdoors is beautiful is unenjoyable for me as well. For this reason, I have established an outdoor exercise routine. I like to run outdoors, walk, or even bike. Sit-ups, push-ups, or any other exercise can be done outdoors on a yoga mat. Exercising outside in warmer temperatures can help boost levels of vitamin D, and cause extra sweat! Skip the gym and head outdoors! 

Along with all of these tips, the most important tip is to stay committed to your goals. It can be easy to get off track when beach filled days are filled with snacks and drinks, but keep your health in mind. Staying committed to your goals will help you feel productive during the summer, and will keep you on track when the school year begins again! 

In summary...

  • Stay hydrated! Do not succumb to drinking sugar-loaded or alcoholic beverages when you can replenish your cells with a refreshing glass of water! 
  • Opt for healthier options at BBQ's. Stay away from cheeseburgers and hot dogs, and stick to grilled meats and veggies!
  • Don't skip out on breakfast! It is still the most important meal of the day, even if your mornings won't be as active as other times. 
  • Embrace an outdoor workout routine. Do your favorite exercises outside for an extra source of vitamin D, and enjoy the summer weather!
  • Stay committed. Enjoy yourself on vacations and while out with friends, but don't allow yourself to let go of a routine that will jeopardize your health! 

Although it is important to enjoy yourself and indulge over the summer, too much indulgence will lead to a complete lack of care for your diet and health! Make sure to stick to these tips if you want keep your body in a healthy fitness routine! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

My Passion For Pilates

In high school, I began my search of a form of exercise that would make me look forward to working out. My usual routine of going to my local gym and running on the treadmill or using the elliptical became tedious, and made me dread my daily exercise. 

Soon after I became bored of my gym routine, I discovered the form of exercise that would enlighten the views I had regarding working out and how it can be much more enjoyable. This new (to me) form of exercise, called Pilates, was introduced to me during my junior year of high school. Now, as a senior in college, it is something I still look forward to doing and plan on learning more about in the near future. 

Pilates, a fitness system designed by a man named Joseph Pilates, has been commonly practiced ever since it was discovered by him in the early twentieth century. 

There are several different types of Pilates. The two most commonly practiced are on the mat and the reformer. Mat Pilates consists of just a rubber mat on a hard surface, and a few accessories such as a medicine ball, bands, and more. Most of mat Pilates only requires one's own body weight and no other tools. 

Pilates on a reformer is much more intricate, and to me, results in a better workout that leaves me feeling sore for several days after. There are countless exercises that can be done on the reformer. Any exercise done on the mat can be done on the reformer, but not every exercise done on the reformer can be done on the mat. For this reason, I believe reformer Pilates is much more effective, and much more fun!

If you have not tried Pilates yet, I highly recommend that you do. With the right instructor, the right studio, and the right music, doing this exercise can be a very fun and rewarding experience. I do not plan on giving up on Pilates any time soon, and I'm actually looking into becoming an instructor myself! I think it will be a great way for me to do what I love while teaching others to become passionate about their health. 

Monday, June 17, 2019


I am very much a fan of eating sushi. As many of us are already aware, sushi can be extremely high in sodium and fat content, depending on what you order. As sushi is a meal that I don't think I could live without, it became my mission to find an item on a sushi menu that still satisfied my cravings, but would also provide some nutritional value to my meal. 

On my recent trip to Dubai, I was hit with my usual sushi craving, which occurs far too often. Luckily, the resort I stayed at is also home to Nobu. Nobu, a popular Japanese restaurant known for its consistent and high-quality meals, has locations in Malibu, Dallas, Miami, several international locations, and thankfully, two locations in New York City. 

I had very high expectations upon entering the restaurant due to all of the great reviews I've heard about Nobu. I am happy to say that my expectations were met! The restaurant provides the perfect Nobu experience with great service, an alluring ambience, and most importantly, delicious food.

It is very easy to make a healthy choice when ordering at any Japanese restaurant, especially Nobu. It may be tempting to lean toward ordering a fried fish or carb-filled meal, but eating raw fish is key to keeping your Asian meal as healthy as possible. Any (good quality) raw fish consumed will provide great benefits to the body, such as protein, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. If raw fish is not your favorite, aim for a grilled fish with a light sauce, and incorporate as many vegetables into the meal as possible. 

My order at Nobu included some of their classics, such as spicy edamame, yellowtail sashimi with jalapeƱo, black cod glazed with miso Himalayan honey, and new style salmon sashimi, which was more than enough for two people. These items were all raw, except for the black cod. The black cod was lightly grilled and topped with a refreshing honey sauce. This meal was impeccable, and an added bonus was the guilt-free feeling while enjoying dinner! Raw fish was never something I reached for, but it has now become a staple for me at Japanese restaurants. 

Here is a photo of the new style salmon sashimi:

I really don't think one could go wrong with anything on the menu at Nobu. Every item I ordered was prepared to perfection. Although it is tempting to order unhealthy food at restaurants, it can be very easy to make the healthier decision! I have found that the healthy option is equally as delicious and leaves you feeling good afterward! If you have the chance and you're a fan of Japanese food, I highly recommend eating at Nobu! You will not regret it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Thoughts on Indulgence

We live in a time when every action of every person is brought to light through social media. This can be a positive and negative factor for one's day to day life. In the world of health and fitness, this constant exposure to the routines and diets of others can hinder and discourage those who are attempting to better themselves physically. By the end of this post, I hope to encourage you to put down your phone, take time for yourself, and indulge in something you absolutely love.

Making healthy choices comes with being focused on diet and exercise plans. One must monitor what one consumes, as well as weekly exercise patterns, which, quite frankly, can become exhausting. 

To be obsessed with health and fitness goals can also negatively impact one's life. To focus so much on what is consumed that it becomes an unhealthy obsession is not the goal. To become obsessed with exercising and doing it excessively is not the goal. For this reason, I think it is so important to allow yourself to indulge and eat what you love, take breaks from exercising, and allow your body to rest and treat it with food that it craves once in a while. 

An article published by the Huffington Post about indulgence hits home for many different reasons. In an interview with accredited dietician Chloe McLeod, she states herself why treating oneself is so crucial. "Firstly, because it's okay to," McLeod said. "Secondly, yes food is fuel, but food is also enjoyment. If you're never eating the foods you really enjoy or which give you pleasure, then that's going to result in feelings of deprivation. If you have these feelings of deprivation, it can increase the chance of bingeing or overeating, and this can end up being quite an unhealthy cycle."

Others may disagree with me, but I believe indulgence is the key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and not falling into the pattern or routine of crash dieting. Having the salty foods that you're craving for dinner or the sweet foods that you're craving for dessert will not cause you to gain a drastic amount of weight, or completely ruin your healthy eating pattern. If anything, it will leave you feeling satisfied and keep you motivated to continue on your health and fitness journey. 

On the same note, taking a break from exercising for a few consecutive weeks if you are feeling completely sick of it will not throw you off the rails. I have taken breaks from working out many, many times, and I find that it leaves me yearning for my next opportunity to go to the gym. Giving your body a break from routine can be healthy, especially if you have been on a very rigid work out schedule without any rest.

Take this post as a sign to stop what you're doing, and do something for you! Whether that is treating yourself to your favorite food, or taking a break from exercise for a while, allow your body to enjoy living!

Monday, June 10, 2019

Nourish Your Mind

What we consume can directly affect how we feel not only physically, but emotionally as well. Although our physical health is vital, emotional and mental health can be just as important to one's overall wellbeing. Here are some brain food options that are most likely in your kitchen right now, which you should focus on incorporating into your diet as soon as possible. 

We'll start with an easy one. Attention all chocolate fanatics! Dark chocolate has been proven to positively affect brain function and overall mood, while beating regular milk or white chocolate in the health department. A special antioxidant found in dark chocolate, called "flavonoid", works to enhance memory as well as slow the process of age-related mental deterioration. According to an article published by Healthline, "In one study including over 900 people, those who ate chocolate more frequently performed better in a series of mental tasks, including some involving memory, than those who rarely ate it." So, dark chocolate can help improve memory and mood. Start snacking! 

Next on the must-have list is turmeric. This yellow spice has garnered much attention lately in the world of health and wellness, and for good reason. Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient which has been proven to help reduce symptoms of depression, boost memory, and catalyze growth of new brain cells, all through its potency as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound. "In research, it has reduced symptoms of depression and Alzheimer's disease" (Healthline). Add turmeric to your morning coffee, sprinkle it on your salad, or blend it into a smoothie to reap the benefits of this powerful powder! 

Eggs, a common household item, have a very positive impact on our brains which most people are not totally aware of. Eggs contain choline, an "important micronutrient that your body uses to create acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood and memory" (Healthline). Where can choline be found most densely in an egg? The yolk. Although we are told very often that egg whites are the healthiest portion of an egg, we should moderately incorporate the yolk into our diets to keep our brains healthy. The B vitamins present in eggs, specifically B6 and B12, help to ease depression, mental decline, and balancing chemicals and sugar levels in the brain. 

Onto one of my favorites, green tea. Green tea is a beverage that I reach for no matter the time of day or year. I always feel calm as I drink green tea and for hours after it, and there is an actual scientific reason why this occurs! An amino acid found in green tea called L-theanine "cross[es] the blood-brain barrier and increase[s] the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps reduce anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed" (Healthline). The caffeine found in green tea can also help to keep you alert and focused as you complete your daily tasks. My favorite way to drink green tea is iced in the morning and piping hot at night! I encourage you to try it at least once a day, I guarantee you will feel some positive effect on your body! 

These healthy options are only some of the foods out there that are known to benefit your brain. I would love to know if you have any food suggestions that have helped improve your mood, made you feel more relaxed, or just made you feel good in general! 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Living Clean Made Easy

Our bodies house us from the moment we are born, until the end of ourselves. This requires us to nourish, love, and care for our bodies. In doing this, we must monitor what we consume. We should focus on intaking foods in their simplest form, while allowing ourselves to indulge when it is necessary. This blog will help you to make the right choices regarding food and diet, while also giving you ideas on fun exercises that will make working out enjoyable for you! 

As a native Jersey girl and a current New Yorker, there will also be reviews on restaurants in the area that specialize in vegan/healthy food options. I hope you all look forward to the upcoming content, as I am looking forward to providing it for you and hearing your feedback!