Sunday, June 23, 2019

Staying Fit In Summer

The summertime can be tricky when it comes to health and fitness. With more free time than during a typical day during the school year comes the opportunity to either improve your fitness or ruin it. 

Hot temperatures call for major thirst. Although extreme levels of thirst can lead some to reach for sugar-loaded drinks which will quickly quench their thirst, be sure to reach for water when it is possible. As our bodies are made up of 60% water, it is needed to replenish our cells when our bodies become dehydrated due to the heat. Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages will only further dehydrate our bodies. Although they taste great, keep it to a minimum over the summer. Water is the way to go. 

My favorite part of the summer is usually attending BBQ's! Although I'm a huge fan of cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and other typical BBQ foods, I try to stay away from eating these at every single party. As I go to BBQ's more frequently over the summer, I try to lean toward eating grilled chicken or fish, and loading up on as many vegetables as possible. This way, I can still enjoy the BBQ atmosphere without consuming too many carb and sodium filled foods.

Personally, breakfast is not my favorite meal of the day. It is very tempting for me to skip breakfast over the summer, as my mornings are not as active as they are during the school year. This is a very bad habit to start, especially in summer. Skipping breakfast will lower your metabolism and cause more consumption later on in the day, which will likely cause weight gain. Skipping breakfast in the summertime can also make individuals more prone to fainting, due to high temperatures and low blood pressure as a result of not eating. Something simple such as egg whites and fruit will be enough to solve this issue! 

Working out during the summer can really seem like a chore to some. Going into a claustrophobic gym when the weather outdoors is beautiful is unenjoyable for me as well. For this reason, I have established an outdoor exercise routine. I like to run outdoors, walk, or even bike. Sit-ups, push-ups, or any other exercise can be done outdoors on a yoga mat. Exercising outside in warmer temperatures can help boost levels of vitamin D, and cause extra sweat! Skip the gym and head outdoors! 

Along with all of these tips, the most important tip is to stay committed to your goals. It can be easy to get off track when beach filled days are filled with snacks and drinks, but keep your health in mind. Staying committed to your goals will help you feel productive during the summer, and will keep you on track when the school year begins again! 

In summary...

  • Stay hydrated! Do not succumb to drinking sugar-loaded or alcoholic beverages when you can replenish your cells with a refreshing glass of water! 
  • Opt for healthier options at BBQ's. Stay away from cheeseburgers and hot dogs, and stick to grilled meats and veggies!
  • Don't skip out on breakfast! It is still the most important meal of the day, even if your mornings won't be as active as other times. 
  • Embrace an outdoor workout routine. Do your favorite exercises outside for an extra source of vitamin D, and enjoy the summer weather!
  • Stay committed. Enjoy yourself on vacations and while out with friends, but don't allow yourself to let go of a routine that will jeopardize your health! 

Although it is important to enjoy yourself and indulge over the summer, too much indulgence will lead to a complete lack of care for your diet and health! Make sure to stick to these tips if you want keep your body in a healthy fitness routine! 

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