Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Must Love Matcha

One of my favorite things about living a healthy lifestyle is discovering new foods or recipes that can make my diet more exciting. Consuming the same foods every day can become boring and cause some to lose the motivation to eat healthy, so it is a bonus to keep up with foods or recipes that are trending or have become popularized through social media. 

One item that has become extremely popular recently is matcha. Matcha is a finely milled powder of specially harvested and processed green tea leaves. It is primarily of Japanese origin, but it has become widely known throughout the Western world as one of the trendiest healthy beverages. 

Matcha has many health benefits and can be incorporated into one's diet in many different ways. The green powder is high in antioxidants, which means it could reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as cell damage. Matcha has also shown signs of slowing cancer cell growth, as well as decreasing tumor size. So far so good!

Are you an avid coffee drinker but looking to switch to a healthier beverage? Matcha is your new best friend! It contains adequate levels of caffeine, which has been proven to boost reaction time, memory, and attention. Matcha also contains L-theanine, which calms and relaxes the brain. With that being said, matcha can be consumed in the morning to jumpstart your day, and right before bed to calm your mind and help you get to bed! 

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, matcha is at it again! Incorporation of this powder into one's diet may actually help with weight loss. Green tea has been proven to increase metabolism and enhance fat burning, which can help reduce body weight and maintain the overall weight loss. 

There are many health benefits to matcha. Although the benefits of this drink are a major incentive to incorporate it into your diet, a major bonus is that it tastes great, too! The rich and aromatic flavor of the tea will leave you wanting more. It can be consumed in many ways, such as drinking it as a traditional tea or enjoying it in latte form. You can even add it to your favorite foods! Blend it into a smoothie, mix it into your oatmeal, or sprinkle it on your popcorn for those added health benefits. 

If you have not already, you must give matcha a try! You will not regret it, and your body will thank you for it. 

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