Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Why Health Matters

I believe health is something that should not be overlooked. Whether that be health of the body or mind, we have nothing if we do not have our health. So many people, including myself, take our naturally healthy bodies for granted. We think that we will be healthy forever, which is not the case. 

If we continue to eat the way we did as teenagers, consume copious amounts of alcohol in college, and refrain from having a regular exercise routine, we will not be doing our bodies any favors. 

I am in no way a certified nutritionist or doctor, but here are some points of advice that I have heard from professionals themselves on how to avoid and prevent chronic conditions. Of course, some illnesses are hereditary and already written in our genetics, but it is beneficial to take as many steps possible to try and prevent a condition that doesn't need to occur. 

My biggest tip to avoid any diseases would have to be to eat as many GREENS on a daily basis as possible. Eating leafy greens and vegetables has cancer-protective effects. Although greens are probably the most important thing to include in your diet, other plant foods have major benefits as well. Nuts, legumes, seeds, fruits, and whole grains will provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to fight off any diseases or illnesses that may be on the horizon. 

Processed foods and high amounts of sugar are the biggest enemy to the human body, in my opinion. These foods turn into fat directly, and have such negative effects for our brains, blood, and endocrine system. Your favorite chips, desserts, and fast foods should be eaten in such careful moderation, as regular consumption of processed foods can have detrimental impacts on our health and overall wellbeing. 

New studies have been released that a diet high in processed sugars are linked to higher rates of cancer. The supplemental chemicals in these processed foods, which increase shelf life of the food items, are very unhealthy and should not be ingested. These chemicals, along with the sugar, sodium, and trans fats that are present, are a recipe for disaster. 

Red meat: you either love it or hate it. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I do consume red meat only once or twice a week. Regular consumption of red meat can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 

Meat is a great source of protein, iron, vitamins, and minerals, so try to keep your consumption of meat to no greater than eighteen ounces per week. Salami, hot dogs, pepperoni, and bacon can, in fact, increase the risk of stomach cancer. 

I'm not asking you to completely eliminate red meat from your diet, but please limit your intake if you haven't already, because the risks are too grand to ignore. 

Ahh, alcohol. I am not a drinker myself, but I know people who rely on alcohol at mostly every meal. This is so detrimental not only to your mental health, but physical health as well. Studies have shown that small amounts of red wine can have benefits to the cardiovascular system, but the key here is *SMALL AMOUNTS.* This does not mean binge drinking, drinking every single night, or blacking out on the weekends. 

The medically recommended amount of alcohol per day is one glass for women and two glasses for men. Too much alcohol consumption can lead to heart failure, dementia, and can increase the risk of many types of cancers such as breast, liver, mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers. 

In my opinion, the temporary pleasures that alcohol can bring are absolutely not worth the long term hardships that are almost guaranteed to come along with high consumption. 

Last but not least, another great tip that can help prevent the onset of horrible diseases: stay active. As I have mentioned in previous posts, find a work out or exercise routine that you genuinely enjoy and will be able to look forward to. For me, this is Pilates or a rowing class. Exercise will not only benefit your body physically, but mentally as well. It has the ability to relieve your mind of stress and anxiety, which I feel almost instantly as I step off of a treadmill.

Regular movement will help maintain a normal weight, build healthier muscles and bones, and release toxins out of your system through sweating. It will help to prevent obesity, one of the most common killers in the United States today. 

Here is a video from one of my favorite health, beauty and wellness bloggers on YouTube, Annie Jaffrey. I have featured her work on my blog before, as I believe it can help many people find the motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. In this video, Jaffrey speaks about many of the benefits of health that many people often need to be reminded of. 

I know too many elders who wish that they had lived healthier while they were younger, and think that maybe they would not be in such bad shape now if they had taken better care of their bodies before. This post is the sign you need to begin the journey to a healthier you today. 

It is important not only to follow healthy habits yourself, but educate your loved ones and friends about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. This way, you and the people you care most about will hopefully not suffer from any chronic medical conditions down the line. Refer to my older posts for tips, advice, and recipes on how to easily live a healthy lifestyle! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How I Got Into Health

I wasn't born a health conscious individual. Just like any child, my friends and I ate all of our favorite foods without a care in the world. Chips, cookies, bagels, pizza, and more. This was fine as a child, and although it definitely wasn't the healthiest way to live, I suffered absolutely no impact from eating this way. 

As I got older, though, I realized that my diet as a child would eventually catch up to me, and I needed to change my habits so that I would grow to be a healthy adult. This focus on healthy eating began in high school and has continued to my current phase of life in college. 

I want to make it clear to readers that eating healthy and exercising is not about being "skinny," or losing a large amount of weight, unless weight loss is needed for you to be healthy. Following a nutritious diet plan and working out regularly will make you strong, both mentally and physically, and this strength will carry with you for life. You will thank yourself when you're old and not facing as many health issues as others who chose to indulge day in and day out. 

At the start of my healthy eating routine, I found it difficult to want to choose greens on the side of my meal instead of carbs, or fruit for dessert instead of actual dessert. After a while of choosing these healthy options instead of less healthy ones, I found myself naturally and voluntarily leaning toward the healthy options. Of course, eating my favorite sweets and salty foods in moderation was included as to not fall into a cycle of self deprivation. 

Just like my eating routine, I found it tiring to go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I was not too fond of going to the gym at first, and didn't see it making a difference. This "gym doubt" only lasted a couple of weeks, and when I saw my body becoming stronger I actually wanted to go to the gym. I now continue to go to the gym, and if I can't make it to the gym on a certain day, I will try to fit in a work out wherever I am. 

Finding a diet and exercise routine that works for you is not easy, which is why I think so many people still struggle to take their health into their own hands. It takes time, effort, and dedication. You must keep going, or you'll be back to square one. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

Perks of a Mediterranean Diet

Being of Armenian descent, I grew up eating a Mediterranean diet. My elders would always explain to me how healthy our meals were, which mostly consisted of protein, vegetables, and olive oil based meals. 

I knew my grandparents were onto something when I began to see pre-made hummus on the shelves in supermarkets, basically when hummus became a mainstream health food. The only hummus I had ever known was homemade, with chickpeas manually crushed by my grandmother and every other ingredient added afterward. 

Following a Mediterranean diet has many benefits. Olive oil, nuts, wine, vegetables, whole grains, and fish are the main staples of the diet. Other sources of protein and fruit also greatly make up the diet. 

Here are some of my favorite recipes that follow the Mediterranean diet plan: 

Foul Mdamas (Fava bean soup) 

This soup of Lebanese origin is one of my absolute favorite meals, which I normally eat for breakfast. Fava beans are a great source of protein, and can have a great impact on building muscle when consumed regularly. I also like to add in as many vegetables as possible when eating this. Some of my favorites to add are tomato, cucumber, onion, and parsley to taste. Fun fact: eating this meal for dinner one night resulted me in dropping 3 pounds the next morning! It is a very filling meal, so you won't feel the need to snack or have dessert. 


Hummus is another staple in my household. I have tried Sabra brand hummus and yes, it's good, but nothing beats homemade hummus in my opinion. Hummus is very nutritious and is packed with plant based protein, and is also great for regulating blood sugar due to its low glycemic index. It's also high in fiber so it will keep your digestive system in great shape. I personally try to stay away from eating my hummus with pita bread which is the true Mediterranean way. I stick to dipping veggies, such as carrots, celery, and bell pepper sticks, to incorporate more vegetables into my diet and steer from the complex carbohydrates present in pita bread. 

Tabbouleh Salad 

Another one of my favorites: tabbouleh salad. This mix of chopped parsley, tomato, and bulgur wheat is sure to satisfy your cravings and keep you full for a while. This salad is great as a side or eaten completely on its own, and I love to eat it with lettuce how it is shown in this photo! The simple olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic dressing will leave you with a tangy flavor that compliments the vegetables perfectly. This salad is very low in calories, which is a major bonus! I like to prepare this in large batches and store it in the fridge to be eaten on multiple occasions throughout the week. 

If you have not yet considered following a Mediterranean diet, I would definitely recommend giving it a try. You don't have to follow it completely, but just incorporating a few of these recipes into your diet will ensure that you are adding enough vegetables and healthy fats into your diet on a regular basis. Try these recipes out and let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Water Benefits Me

Our bodies are made up of sixty percent water, while our blood contains ninety percent water. If we lack in drinking water, especially during these scorching hot summer months, we will be putting our bodies and health in serious danger.

Throughout the heat wave that has fired up the east coast this past week, I have felt weak, sick, and tired, all feelings of dehydration. I realized that I definitely was not drinking enough water daily, especially since the temperatures outside were hitting 110 degrees. I decided to increase my water intake to seventy fluid ounces a day and really noticed the difference in how my body felt afterwards. I instantly felt more awake, energized, and refreshed. My headaches went away without any medicine, and I was able to be outdoors for a longer period of time.

I am also prone to fainting due to dehydration, so if I don't drink enough water, I will definitely experience the consequences of it.

Water is necessary for our wellbeing, and here are some reasons why:

This is an especially important point during the summer time and really beneficial to know if you are prone to fainting in the summer like I am. Water regulates our body temperature. "Some scientists have suggested that when there is too little water in the body, heat storage increases and the individual is less able to tolerate heat strain" (Medical News Today). Water is crucial not just in the summer time, but any season during the year. It will keep you from feeling the negative impacts of the cold or the heat. 

Water delivers oxygen to the cells and joints in the body. Since our blood is made up of 90% water, it is important to stay hydrated so that the blood flow can bring oxygen to the many different organs in our body through cells.

One of my favorite benefits of water is how much it can boost skin health. Whenever my skin is feeling dull, dry, or acne is getting out of hand, I increase my water intake and my skin will clear up within a matter of days. Without regular water intake, skin can become more prone to wrinkling and other skin disorders.

Water also helps boost performance during exercise and can help with weight loss, which I've experienced the benefits of firsthand. Drinking half of your body weight in fluid ounces is the recommended water intake for weight loss, and through my experience it does work. In a study on Medical News Today linked above, it was shown that dehydration could reduce performance in an activity that lasts longer than thirty minutes.

These are only some of the benefits of drinking water. Through my experience, increasing my water intake has helped with weight loss, prevention of fainting, and skin clearing. It is the most natural form of medicine, so if you are struggling with a minor health issue, drinking more water might help you solve your problem.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nutrition In Armenia

Armenia, a small country of three million people located in the Middle East, is a thriving nation that has had a difficult past. With its people dealing with the difficulties of reconstructing themselves after the atrocities of the Armenian Genocide, and finally gaining independence after years of Soviet Rule in 1991, Armenia has had many political issues to worry about. 

Along with many political hardships, the people of Armenia have had to overcome a corrupt government and impoverished living situations. These issues bring about an important question: what is the quality of health in Armenia currently? 

With this question in mind as a passionate Armenian, I decided to research the current state of health in Armenia, as well as interview someone who would hold all of the answers I was looking for.

Ani Kay, a nutritionist of 12 years practicing in Yerevan, Armenia, was happy to answer my questions about health and wellness in Armenia. Here is a series of questions I had that Dr. K answered. 

Me: What is the current state of health in Armenia like? 

Dr. K: Armenians are becoming more conscious of their health, especially the younger population. They are doing their best to maintain a healthy weight and eat healthy foods, and many young people are becoming vegan/vegetarian. 

Me: What is the health issue that affects most Armenians? 

Dr. K: As you may know if you've ever been to Armenia, high tobacco consumption plays a large role in the public health issues of the country. Smoking cigarettes is seen as a leisurely activity, and many smokers have heart and lung problems that cannot be reversed and often worsen with age. One of the major goals right now is to decrease the use of cigarettes in the country, but it will be a long and hard journey before all Armenians stop smoking. 

Me: What do patients usually see you for? 

Dr. K: I am a nutritionist, so usually patients will come to me to help think of appropriate diet plans that will fit their lifestyle and keep them healthy. I will also see patients with certain health issues, for example, heart disease or diabetes, that will need help with healthy eating and foods to eat to lessen the severity of their conditions. My job is to educate people to make lifestyle changes that will bring their health back to a normal state. 

Me: What do you recommend for patients that need to make lifestyle dietary changes? 

Dr. K: My first question is always a breakdown of their daily meals. Usually their responses are filled with different breads, cheeses, sugars, and overall very processed foods. In Armenia, we are lucky enough to have access to fresh fruit and vegetables that have not been touched by pesticides or other things, like GMOs, so more consumption of these is definitely beneficial. Most Armenians consume a lot of red meat on a daily basis, so I also recommend to remove this especially for my patients with heart and cholesterol issues. Consuming sugar and complex carbohydrates is something that I try to reinforce as a negative. Usually after a few visits, my patients understand their new diet plan and follow it with success. 

Me: What do you foresee in the future with regards to public health in Armenia? 

Dr. K: I think that Armenians are becoming very educated in regards to health and what they put in their bodies. Life expectancy in Armenia is rising, and as the younger generations grow older, they will only continue to increase this life expectancy. Like I previously mentioned, more Armenians are understanding the benefits that vegan or vegetarian lifestyles have, and they are easily adapting to these Western ideas. In my opinion, Armenian health will only continue to become better, especially because people are learning more and interested in keeping themselves healthy. 

Speaking with Dr. Kay opened my eyes to public health in Armenia. I recently visited my homeland in May and noticed the tobacco issue that she mentioned. Hopefully the smoking population can overcome this and better their heart and lung health. Thank you, Dr. Kay! 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Wikipedia Follow-Up Post

Recently, I wrote a post on the blog about a Wikipedia post on superfoods that I decided to edit. I felt that the article needed a bit more information in regards to superfoods that should be consumed on a regular basis. I've decided to check on this Wikipedia entry and see if my edits were still present. 

Here is the unrevised version of the Wikipedia post, which is also the writing that I felt needed to be added to:

Unrevised Wikipedia Post: 

Examples[edit source]The Dutch food safety organization Voedingscentrum noted that the health claims marketers used to sell goji berryhemp seedchia seed, and wheatgrass were not scientifically proven.[15] The organization warned that people who consumed such foods in large quantities may develop an "impaired, one-sided diet".[15]Berries remain under research and do not have evidence of providing any health benefits different from other fresh fruits.[1][16][10] Specifically, blueberries are not especially nutrient dense (a superfood characteristic);[1] they have moderate content of only three essential nutrientsvitamin Cvitamin K, and manganese.[4]

Here is the version of the post with my edits:

Revised Wikipedia Post: 
Examples[edit source]The Dutch food safety organization Voedingscentrum noted that the health claims marketers used to sell goji berryhemp seedchia seed, and wheatgrass were not scientifically proven.[15] The organization warned that people who consumed such foods in large quantities may develop an "impaired, one-sided diet".[15]Berries remain under research and do not have evidence of providing any health benefits different from other fresh fruits.[1][16][10] Specifically, blueberries are not especially nutrient dense (a superfood characteristic);[1] they have moderate content of only three essential nutrientsvitamin Cvitamin K, and manganese.[4]Along with berries and other nutritionally dense foods come the vegetables that should be consumed on a weekly basis in order to keep the body healthy. One of these superfoods is kale, which is a leafy green that is commonly known today as a superfood. Kale is high in nutrients and low in calories, making it vital to diets and reducing health related diseases, such as heart disease.Another superfood necessary in diets today is avocado. Avocado is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which is crucial for heart health and overall weight maintenance. Avocados contain as much potassium as bananas, and are very rich in fiber. Avocados can be eaten to help lower cholesterol, and also help the body to absorb nutrients from other superfoods. 

My edits were deleted from the post, and it is now back to its original state.  I'm not quite sure I understand why my edits would be erased from the post since they were accurate and true facts about superfoods. I'm still baffled that berries are the only superfood listed in this article, and I think that it is misleading to readers who might want to learn more. I personally still think that this article needs more information not only in the "Examples" section, but throughout the whole entry. There isn't nearly enough information present, especially with everything we know about superfoods today.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

What I Eat In A Day

It is very important to find a consistent diet routine full of healthy foods that you enjoy and can incorporate easily into your daily meals. In the summer, my diet does not vary much, but is full of fresh fruit and vegetables because they are normally in season. 

Here is what I ate today on 7/14/19:

Breakfast: Two slices of ezekiel toast with half an avocado and two egg whites. Sprinkled with sea salt and a few drops of hot sauce.

This is the perfect amount of food for me in the morning as I am not a fan of eating breakfast. It is so easy and quick to prepare, and is just enough food to hold me over while I'm at the gym. Ezekiel bread is made of sprouted whole grains, which means that it has germinated before being milled into flour. It is a great substitute for regular bread, as it is only eighty calories per slice and is full of protein and fiber. The avocado gives me a source of healthy fats, and the egg whites are more protein to prepare me for my work out. The sea salt and hot sauce are optional! 

Lunch: Salad topped with tofu and grilled chicken

For lunch, I try to eat something substantial that will fuel my body after going to the gym. My salad today consisted of spinach, tofu, grilled chicken, kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, and a light lemon tahini dressing. This salad was very satisfying and was another great source of protein due to the grilled chicken and tofu. It also has a great Mediterranean flavor, which I have always been a fan of! 

Snack: Peach and plum

My two favorite fruits during the summer, peaches and plums! I had one of each today between lunch and dinner to satisfy my sweet tooth and prevent me from snacking on unhealthy options! Fruit is my go-to always, especially during the summertime! 

Dinner: Pan roasted salmon with a side of baked sweet potato and kale salad 

This dinner was packed with nutrients! Salmon is one of the healthiest fish that can be consumed. It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, and is another source of protein. Sweet potato is one of my favorite vegetables because of its sweet flavor, as well as its beneficial nutritional value! Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, packed with B vitamins, and contain levels of magnesium. It is a much healthier alternative to a regular potato! The kale salad was topped with a light lemon and olive oil dressing. Delicious and a superfood! 

Dinner concludes my meals for the day! If I am in the mood, I will reach for dessert, whether it frozen grapes or a few squares of dark chocolate. My meals today were filling and satisfying so I did not have a sweet tooth at the end of the day. Overall, my meals tend to be full of protein and as little complex carbohydrates as possible. The protein will leave you feeling full and not longing for carbs!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

How To Make a Watermelon Cucumber Salad

We are in the midst of the summer season, and one of the easiest meals to whip up is a salad made of fresh ingredients. In my opinion, fresh fruits and vegetables are much tastier in the summer, especially if they are in season. 

One of my favorite salads to prepare during the warm summer months is a watermelon cucumber salad. This salad is delicious and easy to make with a mix of savory and sweet flavors, and it's the most refreshing choice on a scorching hot day. 

The recipe I prefer is listed on a site called Dinner at the Zoo, although different variations to the recipe can work as well. 

Here are the ingredients you'll need to make your salad: 

  • Cubed watermelon
  • Sliced cucumbers
  • Crumbled feta cheese
  • Mint leaves 
  • Lime juice 
If you do not prefer cubed watermelon, you can always use a melon baller and create circular watermelon chunks instead. The author recommends adding mint leaves right before consumption since they tend to brown over time. Lime juice dressing is optional for this recipe, but it does tie the different flavors in the salad together for a complete taste! 

If you are interested in the ingredients and flavors listed in this salad, give it a try! This Mediterranean inspired recipe will not disappoint, and is so easy to throw together! I'll definitely be making this sometime this week as a refreshing lunch or snack. 

Monday, July 8, 2019

Fit Foodie Finds

One of the best ways we can gain inspiration from others is by reading their advice and following tips and tricks that have helped others reach their goals. For this reason, I think it important to follow blogs where content is posted by regular people who are disseminating helpful information for all. 

A fitness and wellness blog that I have been following for several years, called Fit Foodie Finds, posts everything from healthy recipes, workouts, fashion and beauty related articles, as well as mental health articles. 

I especially enjoy their fashion and style blog posts, because they incorporate my two favorite things! Their fashion posts have a lot to do with working out, but it depends on the author or the topic of the post as a whole. One of their posts which really interested me was about the best workout leggings for women, which is something that almost all women are interested in. Leggings are a staple of every woman's wardrobe, from what I've seen. 

This article focuses on the experiences of different women who have distinct body types, and includes the reviews of women who have tried different brands and their legging styles and fits. 

These work out leggings ride high and stay put. I am 5′ 3”, and I’ve got wide hips. Generally, when I try on yoga pants they are too long. So long that it looks like I am wearing leg warmers over my pants. The Elation pant in 7/8 rocks because they hit me right at the ankle. I also appreciate that these elation workout leggings are a true high rise pant that holds everything in when I am in a forward fold. -Linley // 5’3″

The blog post includes photos, explanations, and reviews of the different leggings that were tried on. This facilitates the buying process for readers, because they can purchase a legging featured in the articled based on their height, likes and dislikes! 

Fit Foodie Finds is overall a one-stop-shop for all things health and wellness related. Whether it be that you're searching for new meals, new workouts, or style and wellness advice, you will most likely find what you're looking for! Check them out! 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Staying Fit In Summer: Pt. 2

Recently on my blog, I wrote about how to keep up your health routine during the summertime, as well as some tips on how to achieve your goals even in while on vacation and during these more indulgent times. 

In my blog post, I mentioned how important it is to stick to your exercise routine and stick to eating healthy foods. For the past five days, I have been visiting my boyfriend in St. Louis, Missouri. In my opinion, five days straight is a long time to let go of a workout routine and eat foods that I normally would not, so I decided that I would go out of my way to keep up my routine while I'm here. 

The first thing that I needed to incorporate into my vacation was a workout routine. Working out on this trip would give me the ability to indulge a bit more while eating out with friends, or snacking while watching a drive-in movie. My boyfriend's mom signed me up as a guest at her gym, and we went for a few mornings to get a quick work out in before our busy days ahead. 

Incorporating these workouts into my daily routine while on vacation gave me a mental boost each morning, and motivated me to make healthier choices throughout the day. If you don't have the ability to temporarily join a gym while on your trip, exercising outside is another great option like I said in my previous post. If you prefer to exercise in cooler weather, wait until the evening hours to walk or run at your vacation spot. 

With regards to dieting on vacation, I think it is important to allow yourself to indulge because it is vacation, after all. Below is a list of what my meals have consisted of while here in St. Louis: 

  • Breakfast: Mostly fruit, with either one small pancake (no butter/syrup) or Armenian pastry 
  • Lunch: Kale superfood salad with poppy seed dressing or romaine lettuce salad with tomatoes, cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette 
  • Dinner: Mostly out at a restaurant or family gathering, try to steer clear of carbs and load up on protein/veggies
  • Dessert: Indulge! 

Sticking to a workout routine and healthy eating regimen while on vacation will help you to stay on track. You will not be completely thrown off your routine and have to completely start over when you arrive at home, but instead, you will easily transition into your regular routine. Stay healthy this summer, and remember to allow yourself to indulge once in a while!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Wikipedia Assignment

I have been very interested in learning about the superfoods that I can incorporate into my diet in order to live a healthier lifestyle. For this reason, I searched the topic on Wikipedia, only to find a small amount of information regarding the subject.  After searching the topic, this is what I found: 

 Unrevised Wikipedia Post: 

Examples[edit source]The Dutch food safety organization Voedingscentrum noted that the health claims marketers used to sell goji berryhemp seedchia seed, and wheatgrass were not scientifically proven.[15] The organization warned that people who consumed such foods in large quantities may develop an "impaired, one-sided diet".[15]Berries remain under research and do not have evidence of providing any health benefits different from other fresh fruits.[1][16][10] Specifically, blueberries are not especially nutrient dense (a superfood characteristic);[1] they have moderate content of only three essential nutrientsvitamin Cvitamin K, and manganese.[4]

Two of the most common superfoods needed to be added, and were missing from the entire article. Kale and avocado are widely known across the globe to be some of the healthiest vegetables that could be consumed, for many reasons.  I found it very important that these two foods be included in the list of examples of superfoods, because they should be eaten by everyone. Of course not every superfood can be included in this list of examples, but I believe that kale and avocado should definitely make the list. 

Revised Wikipedia Post: Examples[edit source]The Dutch food safety organization Voedingscentrum noted that the health claims marketers used to sell goji berryhemp seedchia seed, and wheatgrass were not scientifically proven.[15] The organization warned that people who consumed such foods in large quantities may develop an "impaired, one-sided diet".[15]Berries remain under research and do not have evidence of providing any health benefits different from other fresh fruits.[1][16][10] Specifically, blueberries are not especially nutrient dense (a superfood characteristic);[1] they have moderate content of only three essential nutrientsvitamin Cvitamin K, and manganese.[4]Along with berries and other nutritionally dense foods come the vegetables that should be consumed on a weekly basis in order to keep the body healthy. One of these superfoods is kale, which is a leafy green that is commonly known today as a superfood. Kale is high in nutrients and low in calories, making it vital to diets and reducing health related diseases, such as heart disease.
Another superfood necessary in diets today is avocado. Avocado is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, which is crucial for heart health and overall weight maintenance. Avocados contain as much potassium as bananas, and are very rich in fiber. Avocados can be eaten to help lower cholesterol, and also help the body to absorb nutrients from other superfoods.

It is important to always question the information that we read online, which is why I felt the examples of superfoods on Wikipedia needed to be altered. Many people utilize Wikipedia to receive their information, and leaving kale and avocado out of a list of superfoods would be doing an injustice to people looking to improve their diets and lifestyles. 

Health in NYC

As a college student, it is important for me to stay healthy, but to do so on a budget. This is especially difficult in New York City, since most health food stores or cafés can be very expensive. For this reason, I think it is very important to search for healthy restaurants which serve healthy food at a great cost.

I found an informative article which lists some of my favorite restaurants in the city, as well as reasonable work out routines for those who are always on-the-go. Carly Hill, the author of the article, suggests several different tips for staying active in the city, and recommends several different studios and gyms that offer effective exercise classes. I have personally heard of her suggestion, "Flywheel," which is a spin class. I have not gotten around to doing it yet, but have heard others rave about it before. 

Onto my favorite part of the post, the food! It excited me to see some of my favorite spots on Hill's list of recommendations. I highly recommend Juice Generation, which is my go-to place for smoothies or juices. There's a location right by Fordham's Lincoln Center campus on 8th Ave, only a few blocks from Columbus Circle! I love to stop in between classes for a sweet smoothie or green juice to keep me full throughout my day. 

Hill also suggests Sweetgreen, by CHLOE, and The Butcher's Daughter, which are all very known healthy restaurants here in the city. Each restaurant offers distinct healthy choices. In fact, by CHLOE is a completely plant-based restaurant, so if you're vegan it is a must! 

Overall, this article offers some useful suggestions for living a healthy lifestyle in New York City. I personally think you can't go wrong with any of her restaurant suggestions, so give them a try! 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Find Your Inspiration

One of the best ways to live a healthy lifestyle is to be inspired by the environment and people around us. For this reason, I have found several health and lifestyle bloggers who specialize in creating informational videos for people like us. The best part about these videos is that the creators are people like us, too! This makes their advice and lifestyle choices very attainable and easy to follow.

Although I follow several of these bloggers, I have decided to focus on one, and my favorite. Her name is Annie Jaffrey, and I have been a follower of hers since my pre-teen years. Jaffrey began her internet career through her blog, which she then transformed into a YouTube channel where she shared similar content. Jaffrey specializes in beauty, fashion, and health/wellness videos. 

For example, in her "What I Ate Today" video,  Jaffrey discusses some of her favorite recipes and meals that she prepares on a daily basis. As you can see by watching the video, Jaffrey consumes raw, organic, and plant-based foods. 

Aside from Jaffrey's video being very aesthetically pleasing, it is also quite informative. Jaffrey provides recipes for every meal she mentions in this video, as well as a "how-to" style cooking tutorial. 

Aside from her nutritional videos, Jaffrey also posts workout videos.

I personally enjoy watching these to learn the exercises that she does. I normally always end up incorporating some of her exercises into my daily workouts, which is a great way to spice up my routine! In the workout video linked above, Jaffrey shares many different workouts that a plethora of viewers are benefitting from, which is made apparent in her comment section. 

Overall, Annie Jaffrey's channel is one that inspires me to better my lifestyle as she improves hers! I recommend finding a blogger who resonates with your style and the lifestyle you want to be living, as they can help you reach different goals and aim for steps that will help you attain what you wish for. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Must Love Matcha

One of my favorite things about living a healthy lifestyle is discovering new foods or recipes that can make my diet more exciting. Consuming the same foods every day can become boring and cause some to lose the motivation to eat healthy, so it is a bonus to keep up with foods or recipes that are trending or have become popularized through social media. 

One item that has become extremely popular recently is matcha. Matcha is a finely milled powder of specially harvested and processed green tea leaves. It is primarily of Japanese origin, but it has become widely known throughout the Western world as one of the trendiest healthy beverages. 

Matcha has many health benefits and can be incorporated into one's diet in many different ways. The green powder is high in antioxidants, which means it could reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as cell damage. Matcha has also shown signs of slowing cancer cell growth, as well as decreasing tumor size. So far so good!

Are you an avid coffee drinker but looking to switch to a healthier beverage? Matcha is your new best friend! It contains adequate levels of caffeine, which has been proven to boost reaction time, memory, and attention. Matcha also contains L-theanine, which calms and relaxes the brain. With that being said, matcha can be consumed in the morning to jumpstart your day, and right before bed to calm your mind and help you get to bed! 

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, matcha is at it again! Incorporation of this powder into one's diet may actually help with weight loss. Green tea has been proven to increase metabolism and enhance fat burning, which can help reduce body weight and maintain the overall weight loss. 

There are many health benefits to matcha. Although the benefits of this drink are a major incentive to incorporate it into your diet, a major bonus is that it tastes great, too! The rich and aromatic flavor of the tea will leave you wanting more. It can be consumed in many ways, such as drinking it as a traditional tea or enjoying it in latte form. You can even add it to your favorite foods! Blend it into a smoothie, mix it into your oatmeal, or sprinkle it on your popcorn for those added health benefits. 

If you have not already, you must give matcha a try! You will not regret it, and your body will thank you for it.